Being the Leader of Your Own Life

Many are probably enjoying a much-needed break right now. Relaxation, a change of environment, and mental rest are important for all of us, regardless of how much we love our jobs. Some are enjoying it, some are running around, and some are worrying that the vacation will soon be over, and work will call again.

I saw a nightshirt with the text “Less Mondays, More Coffee” and suddenly thought about how many times I have heard similar statements: “Ugh, it’s almost Monday again”, “Oh no, Monday and a whole week of hard work ahead” and “Monday morning and everything feels so heavy…”.

Then I realized how important it is to be the leader of your own life. To take responsibility and lead your life… I know many people spontaneously think that it is impossible to control their own lives due to a variety of reasons: “I need food on the table and a roof over my head”, “I can’t be selfish and just think about myself”, “I have a family to support” and “It’s too late, I’m too old for…”. Yes, there are countless excuses, but what you can control are your thoughts, how you choose to think. If you know that work is calling and it’s a fact that it’s Monday tomorrow and you have to go there, think or even better, say instead: “Yeah, finally weekday!” and do it with a smile. Does it feel insurmountable? Fake it ’til you make it, as they say, until one day it might even feel like that in your heart.

What, then, can be the advantage of a Monday? Well, the weekday, structure, and routines. Boring? Well, it depends on what routines you have built up, routines that suit you and simplify your life. Routines and structures do not have to be square or Excel spreadsheets. They can also be like beautiful spider webs swaying gently in the wind. Look at a dew-covered spider web shimmering in the sun, divided into folders and files, flexible, neat, and clear. That’s what my structure looks like, which I found during a coaching session: inviting, inspiring, and functional for me. What does your structure look like? You choose and build it yourself.

Have you realized that your work and your Mondays really don’t suit you? There is nothing positive about them. They feel draining, uninspiring, and completely miserable. Well then, do something! Take charge of your life! It benefits not only yourself but also everyone around you – your loved ones, your colleagues, and so on. Everyone wants to get to know and spend time with the real you, not the opposite.

So, what to do? Here are some tips!

  1. Dare to dream! Use your heart and feel what you really would wish for and want.
  2. Create an attractive goal image and a goal formulation that makes you smile.
  3. Make a realistic timetable and start immediately. A small step in the right direction leads forward.
  4. Celebrate every step, big or small. Hug yourself!
  5. Be patient and persistent; Rome wasn’t built in a day.
  6. Share your goal image with the right person. The right person is someone who sees it as a gift they receive.

Some changes can be made on a faster timetable; others require a bit more time and foresight. The important thing is to start today. Yes, there is always something you can do already today!

To quote Petter A. Stordalen: “A life consists of an average of 30,295 days. Most of them are weekdays. Yet, we humans live for the weekends. But if the goal is a better life, you must start living for the days you have the most of: the weekdays.”

A change requires effort and can be perceived as frightening, both in terms of a changed mindset, a practical change in a career, or in life in general.

You are not alone. My wonderful team of certified coaches and I are here to help and support you. Don’t hesitate, get in touch now, we are here for you!

Take charge of your life – become happy and successful!

Good luck! With love,

P.S.! Need inspiration and tips to love Mondays? Read the book “Thank God it’s Monday! “ by Petter A. Stordalen. And drink as much or as little coffee as you want 😉

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