Reach the next level, renew or retain your ACC, PCC or MCC certification

MCP Mentor Coaching Program

Christine Suvanto Mentor Coaching Program

Reach the next level

Mentor Coaching Program is for you when you are a professional coach, and you work in accordance with ICF’s core competencies and the ICF code of ethics. In the second core competency, Embodies a Coaching Mindset, it is expected that we complete our education continuously. Continuous learning is best done in a group, together with like-minded people, together with positively curious coach colleagues.

Do you want to deepen your coaching competence, grow, and develop as a coach? Then the MCP, Mentor Coaching Program, is for you.

Together, in a mentorcoaching group with an experienced Mentor coach, Christine (MCC), you will deepen your competencies in professional coaching through coaching, by being coached and by observing coaching – coaching in 3D.

Together we reflect on and discuss coaching, we also discuss what we as coaches should focus and concentrate on in coaching. That cannot be done on your own.

The program is for you, ICF certified coach on ACC or PCC level, who wants to reach the next certification level all the way to MCC, or who wants to renew their credential.

If you have participated in a full ACTP education program but have not yet, for one reason or another, gone all the way to your certification, your Oral Exam or the written exam and you feel that you should work on your coaching skills, you are very welcome to apply to the MCP. Every participant has their own coaching experience, their own personal goal, and their unique starting point.

In the MCP, we focus on coaching in practice because that is where we learn. Furthermore, we explore and discuss the core competencies one by one, so that we can grow our knowledge and understanding of what they include and how they can smoothly be demonstrated in professional coaching. As coaches, we are never fully educated, there are always things in which to deepen our knowledge. And that is exactly the charm of coaching!

Mentorcoach Christine Suvanto, MCC (ICF)
Coach Educator, Mentor Coach, Group Mentor Coach, Assessor
(PositiveSolutions, CoachCompanion, WBECS, Breakthrough Coaching)

MCP program

The Mentor Coaching Program includes:

  • 6 x 2 h 15 min mentorcoaching in group, online, 1 session/month
  • 3 h individual mentorcoaching (3 x 1 h)
  • Constructive feedback discussions individually and in group
  • Exploration of the ICF core competencies, Code of ethics and the minimum requirements of different certification levels
  • A certificate confirming that you have participated to and completed the program, 13,5 h mentorcoaching in group and 3 h individual mentorcoaching, the certificate can be enclosed to your credential application to ICF
  • The All Inclusive package also includes 3 transcripts and 1 translation

What is expected from you?

A genuine interest and curiosity to learn more, to grow and to develop as coach. Willingness to work throughout the program, because without action and work, there are no results. Active participation to group sessions; you coach, are coached and observe coaching, 3D. This is coaching at its best.

Work means that during the program, you have one or several clients that you coach. You record coaching sessions with written consent and after each coaching, you listen to the recording and reflect on your coaching.

Before every individual mentorcoaching session, you choose one of your recorded coaching sessions, create a transcript and a written assessment of your coaching according to the instructions given to you during the program. After that, you send the recording, the transcript, and your assessment to Christine for review well in advance before your individual mentorcoaching session. Then, you can book your mentorcoaching session through – Booking.

Together with your Mentor Coach, you will compare your insights, find strengths and development areas to focus on and that you can work on before your next individual coaching session.

All these practicalities will be clearly explained at the beginning of the program.

If creating transcripts sounds difficult and time consuming, no problem: our trained and experienced transcriber is at your service. You can opt for the All Inclusive Package, read more about our All Inclusive Package under Facts. The All Inclusive package also includes one translation (Finnish-Swedish-English-French) which you may need when applying for your credential with ICF.

I am truly looking forward to our exciting journey where we learn from and with each other!


Included hours in the program: 6 x 2 h 15 min in group and 3 x 1 h individual
Duration of the program: 5-9 months
Group size: Max 10 persons. Participants are admitted to the program on a first-come-first-served basis.
Previous experience requirement: ICF/EMCC certified coach or a minimum of 60 hours of quality-controlled coach education. Book a free introductory meeting.
Certificate of participation: After you have participated to all sessions of the program, a certificate for 16,5 (13,5+3) mentorcoaching hours according to ICF’s requirements will be issued to you.
Mentor Coach/trainer: Christine Suvanto, ICF MCC, Assessor, Mentor Coach, Coach Educator

Price: 1.790 euros + VAT

Practicalities step by step:

1. Contact us at and we will send you a registration form to fill
2. Send your filled form and book a short 20-minute interview with Christine through (Booking – Free – Christine).
3. Participants are admitted to the program on a first-come-first-served basis. You are enrolled when you have met with Christine and paid the price of the program in full.

You will get a confirmation of your enrolment by email.

I am truly looking forward to our exciting journey where we learn from and with each other!

A warm welcome!


at 19:30-21:45 (EET)

(KickOff   28.8.2024 19:30-20:00)

Sessio 1         12.9.2024

Sessio 2         9.10.2024

Sessio 3      13.11.2024

Sessio 4         3.12.2024

Sessio 5         14.1.2025

Sessio 6        11.2.2025



klo 16:30-18:45 EET

(KickOff   12.8.2024 16:00-16:45)

Sessio 1         21.8.2024

Sessio 2           2.9.2024

Sessio 3        2.10.2024

Sessio 4      30.10.2024

Sessio 5       20.11.2024

Sessio 6        18.12.2025


at 17:00-19:15

(KickOff   28.8.2024 16:00-16:45)

Sessio 1         12.9.2024

Sessio 2         9.10.2024

Sessio 3      13.11.2024

Sessio 4         3.12.2024

Sessio 5         14.1.2025

Sessio 6        11.2.2025












ICF certifications

“I was fortunate to have Christine as the facilitator of a group learning experience for coaches interested in achieving a mastery coaching level. Christine creates a safe environment where you are encouraged to stretch and grow. She models presence, truly believes in our abilities, and provides helpful insights relative to coaching competencies. When we had an option to continue to meet as a group after the program ended, I did not hesitate to choose Christine as my mentor coach and facilitator of our new group. I highly recommend Christine!”
Laurie Kelley, USA
“Viktigaste insikten i MCP MentorCoaching Programmet för mig är att coaching är en färskvara, att man behöver ha en regelbunden input och omge sig med personer som håller på med coaching för att upprätthålla den. Det kan lätt bli lite slentrian och det är viktigt att man blir påmind om coachingens grunder."
Daniel Hjulfors, Finland
“MCP MentorCoaching Programmets upplägg är väldigt lärorikt när man tar in övriga människors coaching och får bevittna det. Oavsett om man är client, coach eller en som bevittnar en coaching så är det så otroligt lärorikt. Kanske ännu lättare att få som observatör att se tydligare hur människor tänker och får nya idéer till sin coaching och som man kan implementera. Regelbundna reflektioner kring sig själv, kring coachingen, kring PCC markörerna så helheten blir så mycket tydligare för mig. Vilka krav ställer ICF på mig och hur påverkar det mig som coachande ledare.”
Ronnie Granlund, Finland
“Christine has been my mentor coach for a few months now and learning with her has been very rewarding. With a warm and welcoming approach, she offers competence, clarity and support and knows to focus my efforts where attention is needed. I am grateful to Christine for being a trusting mentor, and for creating this perfect mix of safety and challenge, thus helping to elevate my game as a coach."
Janon Hamel, Montreal, Canada
“I chose Christine to be my mentor coach when I attended Marcia Reynold’s Breakthrough Coaching Certification Program. There were at least 15 other coaches I could have selected. Like the others, Christine’s profile, expertise, and experience was world-class. What stood out for me was her calm and peaceful demeanour. Behind the laughing eyes and caring smile, I saw a gentle persona, yet with an element of toughness and with so much to give to the world. I was almost right. In addition, Christine has boundless wisdom to share. Her insights are always spot on, and her approach is one of genuine and authentic love for the other person on the call. I have learnt so much and gained confidence on my coaching capabilities already after the first mentoring sessions. Learning with Christine as my mentor coach has inspired me to stretch myself even more and to reach for the skies!”
Cheong Choy Kiew, Singapore
“Thank you so much for your kind support. You help me to transform the way I coach and more aware what I can do more to support my coachee. Looking back to 2021, I found it was one of the best years for me. Previously, I found some challenges regarding chemistry check. After mentoring with you, I found the chemistry check is fun and helpful to support me as a coach. How to rapport and understand others. Because I need to send VDO to you, I possibly coach in English which I was reluctant to do for a long time. I gained more confidence to do what I never think I can do and would love to do more next year. I now accept the offers of work that I always thought that I cannot do it but now just say "Yes and Find the way." You are my role model in many areas that I want to be. Million thanks for supporting me to grow and learn more about myself and how I can be better.”
Somnuk Wiwatana, Bangkok
“Som mentorcoach är Christine professionell och hängiven! Hennes genuina vilja att se mig utvecklas som coach och människa är påtaglig, både i coachingar och i diskussioner kring framtiden. Hon har en otrolig förmåga att möta mig där jag är så att jag kan vara trygg och därmed öppen med mina tankar och känslor. Därifrån utmanar hon mig på ett utomordentligt sätt så att också jag ser stora gubben (potentialen) i mig själv. Att få ha Christine som mentorcoach under min egen coachutveckling har varit och är en otrolig förmån!”
Kennet Pettersson, Finland
“Working with Christine as a coach mentor and facilitator was such a positive experience for me. Her ability to be present and provide a caring, safe and supportive group experience helped me to be able to be authentic and share openly and receive feedback with the utmost respect. Her encouragement and calming presence created the space for us to be honest, open, and intimate. It was a game-changer experience as I practiced and learned to be a more effective transformative coach.”
Katherine Flahive, USA
“I started working with Christine in the context of my Masters, I chose Christine for her experience, and I am extremely happy with my choice. Christine is an attentive, present, very competent Coach. She has excellent listening skills, and she is very delicate but at the same time precise and effective. At each meeting I take full advantage of it, and I come outgrown and satisfied with my learnings.”
Chantal Giraldini Linder, Switzerland
“Jag har haft glädjen att få uppleva Christine både som coach och mentorcoach. Jag uppskattar Christines förmåga att som coach skapa en atmosfär av trygghet och förtroende. Samtidigt utmanar hon med nyfikenhet, skärpa och varm humor. Som mentorcoach lotsar hon klarsynt, tålmodigt och med glimten i ögat framåt inom den professionella coachingen. Tack vare hennes exempel har jag också lärt mig vad ett coachande förhållningssätt är i praktiken, och, att ett nyfiket mindset leder till mindre och större underverk. 😊”
Cecilia Holmberg, Finland
“Jag har fått lära mig och inspireras av Christine i snart tio år, dels som lärare men också som mentorcoach. Som (mentor)coach är Christine närvarande och skarpsynt, hon utmanar och uppmuntrar och ger konstruktiv feedback som är lätt att ta till sig. Jag går alltid klokare och lite rakare i ryggen från våra möten. Det är lätt att inspireras av Christine då hon brinner för det hon gör och alltid ser potential i dem hon jobbar med!”
Anna Granvik, Finland
“Christine was my Mentor Coach under the Breakthrough certification programme. Each session with Christine was encouraging and fruitful. She was always prepared with the evidence-based feedback from the recording submitted; affirmed me of the coaching markers hit; and evoke my thinking for areas that could be explored differently. Her presence and attentiveness to my agenda allowed us to partner well in our conversations to provide an expansive space for creating possibilities. Going through three sessions with Christine also meant that she was able to observe my progress and help me reap lots of learning and insights. It was truly an enriching experience.”
Irene Chia, Singapore
“It was wonderful to have Christine as my mentor coach! I appreciated the trust that she had in me and my skills as a coach which was very encouraging and made me feel that I was on the right track. I also appreciated her warmth, enthusiasm, humor and her caring way of giving feedback for my growth.”
Ana Preda, Romania
“Our last mentoring session has been life changing for me. Something clicked in my head. I am beyond grateful for your help.”
Catalina Flores, Netherlands


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