NOW IT’S TIME! ISN’T IT?! I hope you are fully enjoying the warmth and greenery of summer, in the way that suits you best – whether it’s in a hammock, in the berry forest, on the sports field, or somewhere
Do you want to create change – for yourself, your team, or your organization?
Change requires action, and sustainable change requires a clear vision and perseverance. If it’s about an entire team or organization, have you ensured that everyone is aligned with the same goal? Do you share a common vision of the end goal with clear milestones along the way?
Are you waiting for “later” – when there’s more time or when the timing feels right? Take the time now. Do the right things. Work together towards a shared goal and free up time in the future.
Change isn’t a quick fix – it’s a process built step by step, together. We are here to help you reach your goals. We challenge, question, and cheer you on every step of the way.
GET IN TOUCH! Your future starts today.
NOW IT’S TIME! ISN’T IT?! I hope you are fully enjoying the warmth and greenery of summer, in the way that suits you best – whether it’s in a hammock, in the berry forest, on the sports field, or somewhere
Are you a startup pioneer? Does your passion drive your company’s success? At Positive Solutions, we understand you. We know that every startup company begins with a dream, a vision driven by the company’s founders. We also know that the
Peer Coaching Circle – Apr 2024 Mentor Coaching for APAC Asia Pacific Alliance of Coaches In this month’s session, we had a live coaching demo and live mentorship to hone our coaching skills.We focused on CC#3 on the PCC marker: