Living as We Teach – An SDI Team Day Full of Insights, Laughter, and Connection

How well do we really know each other as a team, even after years of working together? Does it matter? Is it just a waste of time to explore each other’s motivations and strengths more deeply? In the picture, you see us, each with a phone in hand. Perhaps you’re wondering if this is the best use of our shared time? Read on to find out why! 😊

We see the world through different lenses. What is obvious to me might be completely incomprehensible to you. This can lead to unnecessary frustration. Each of us has unique drivers, strengths, and ways of communicating. This is precisely what we wanted to explore when we gathered for a full day to understand what makes up our team. Although we had all completed the SDI assessment before and had revisited our personal results multiple times, we now wanted to take a deep dive into the results from the team’s perspective. Just like any other team, we can experience conflicts. So, what do we need to know to anticipate and prevent them in the future? Key questions to consider include:

  • What is a conflict?
  • What could trigger us into conflict?
  • What do you and I need if we find ourselves in a conflict situation?

By getting to know each other on a deeper level, we can better understand why we react the way we do and how we should communicate most effectively.

Since we use the SDI tool when coaching teams, organizations, and leaders, why not live as we teach? This day was about much more than just identifying strengths – we wanted to truly understand what these words mean to each of us. Do we perceive certain strength words as positive or negative? Have we ourselves, or someone in our surroundings, ever overused a particular strength and caused challenges? How we perceive things is deeply personal. Reflecting on this and gaining insight into how others view our strengths was truly eye-opening.

Highlighting each other’s strengths was one of the most rewarding aspects of the day. Sometimes we were surprised, and sometimes our beliefs were confirmed. Rarely do we get to see a mirror of ourselves through the eyes of others, and being recognized for qualities we may not have even realized about ourselves is a powerful experience. For me, for instance, being seen as “principled” was a surprise. I had never reflected on this before, but suddenly I realized how closely it ties to fairness and authenticity for me.

In a world where hybrid work has become the norm, in-person meetings are more important than ever. BUT – they must add value! Why spend time and resources traveling if the meeting could just as easily be held online? It is essential to carefully consider the purpose of a meeting and its agenda.

When we meet in person, we need to ensure that the agenda includes moments where we focus on ourselves as a team – an opportunity to build genuine relationships. It’s important to allow enough time for coffee breaks and lunch, which often get minimized in the name of efficiency. Small talk and personal conversations help us see each other not just as colleagues but as individuals. When we face challenges, changes, or conflicts, these relationships create a foundation of trust and collaboration. It’s difficult to speak negatively about, ignore, or hurt someone you truly know and care about.

So how does our private life relate to our work? We are whole human beings. Challenges at home affect our work, just as workplace stress spills over into our personal lives. A small yet meaningful action is taking a moment for a quick check-in: “How are you? What do you need?” before moving on to the agenda. It’s a simple but valuable way to acknowledge each other – and it works just as well in physical meetings as it does online. This is not about turning meetings into therapy sessions but about recognizing each other and strengthening the team. Take the time, and you will save precious time!

And that’s why we had our phones in our hands! We used them to review our SDI results, reflect, discuss, and truly get to know one another. The tool doesn’t just gather dust on a shelf; it’s always conveniently available. For us, it led to many aha moments, insights, and joyful laughter. Our team speaks Swedish, Finnish, English, and Estonian – and the variety of languages encouraged us to ask even more curious and thoughtful questions. In monolingual groups, it’s easy to assume that words mean the same to everyone, but oh, how wrong we can be!

It’s not just within the team that we should speak the “right language” with each other, but also with colleagues, external and internal customers, and other stakeholders. The team review also provides valuable insights and tools to engage with these groups successfully.

Would you and your team like to have an equally rewarding and inspiring day? Would you like to deepen your understanding of each other, build stronger relationships, and add value to your gatherings? Consider how to anticipate, prevent, and manage conflicts. Exchange perspectives for a moment? 😉 Get in touch, and we’ll help you plan an engaging experience with your team in focus. Complete the SDI assessment – compare, discuss, and reflect individually and as a group. It’s incredibly valuable for the team as a whole and for each individual team member.

SDI is not a test but an assessment that provides insights and strengthens relationships – both at work and in life. Once you complete the assessment, you receive your results in a report with video highlights. But the real work begins after that. 😊

And remember: RQ – Together, we are always stronger, more creative, and more productive!

Why wait? Reach out to us already today – We Warmly Welcome You!

Read more about our perspective on RQ – Communication here

Are curious about SDI and RQ please read

Christine shares her thoughts on coaching, leadership, and life.

Christine Suvanto, ICF MCC, has been working as a professional coach since 2012, with both individuals and groups, privately and in companies internationally. Executive, Business, Career, Life – Christine supports and challenges you to develop. She trains, coaches, and also serves as a mentor coach both in Finland and globally (WBECS). She also utilizes the SDI tool (Strength Deployment Inventory) in communication, conflict management, and development tasks.

Christine's previous publications

Blogg: Living as We Teach

Living as We Teach – An SDI Team Day Full of Insights, Laughter, and Connection How well do we really know each other as a team, even after years of working together? Does it matter? Is it just a waste

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