I hope you are fully enjoying the warmth and greenery of summer, in the way that suits you best – whether it’s in a hammock, in the berry forest, on the sports field, or somewhere else entirely. Make sure you are there!

But as the Swedish Tomas Ledin sings: “Autumn is coming soon, it goes with the speed of the wind,” and we at Positive Solutions are looking forward to it, because then a lot of exciting things will start happening. First up is…

MCP – Mentor Coaching Program

The Mentor Coaching Program is for you, the certified coach. Do you know when your ICF certification expires? Three years go by terribly fast. When the certification expires, you can no longer use the ICF logo or in any way mention that you are an ICF certified coach. If the certification has expired, you have one year to regain your certification.

NO! We do not quality assure ourselves for ICF. We update ourselves to be able to offer the very best to our clients, customers, and employees. Employees, colleagues, customers??? Yes, if you are a manager and leader, you surely want to be a role model for continuous development, don’t you? Just like all quality certifications, we need to show every few years that we meet the standards, follow established competencies and principles, and are up to date. But the main reason is still to grow and develop as a coach, leader, and person. And isn’t it wonderful to do it together with like-minded people, discuss, practice, and learn with and from each other?

Mentor Coaching Program in brief

We start with a joint Kick Off where we go through the MCP program in detail. Then we meet six times, the modules are 2 hours and 15 minutes long. We meet via Zoom, so you can participate from anywhere in the world. During each module, we dive deep into ICF Core competencies and PCC markers, and we immediately put into practice what we learn by coaching, of course. We also learn to give and receive valuable feedback for maximum learning. We keep the group small and intimate, which creates safety, openness, and trust. A maximum of eight participants per group.

The program also includes three hours of individual mentor coaching. I, Christine, act as your mentor coach both during the group mentor coaching modules and individually. I meet you where you are, at the certification level you are at, and with your goal as compass and map. Your goal is my goal!

I work globally as a mentor coach. Want to see what my clients say? Read more here.

After completing the program in its entirety, you will receive a course certificate.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does MCP require work?
Of course! Development and learning require your effort. We will create a schedule that suits you.

My certification expires next year, why take the program now?
A certification is valid for three years, but that does not mean you should rush through the program in the last few months. Mentor Coaching must take place over at least three months. Give yourself time for learning and development, and use the entire three-year period.

My certification has already expired, what do I do now?
Check your certificate – when was the last valid date? Has it been a full year since then? In that case, a new certification is required. If it has not yet been a year, check where you stand now and what is missing. Need help? Contact me and we will figure it out together. Book a free time through my booking calendar at

Can I take the MCP program even if I have already participated once?
Of course! Coaches are in constant development, which means you have a new starting point and reference frame. Your course mates are probably new and are also developing. The MCP program also evolves in line with professional coaching and my development as a coach and mentor coach. And if you have taken the program before, you get a 20% discount.

Is it worth it for me as a leader to renew my certificate, I do not work as a coach?
Absolutely! As a leader, you are a role model. You are in constant development, as a leader and as a person. You show what quality means in practice, not just as a nice word. Sustainability. Moreover, wouldn’t it be foolish to throw invested money down the drain, you have worked hard and paid for your certificate. The program also serves as a source of inspiration.

What does the MCP program cost and what does it include?

The program costs €1,790 + VAT.

MCP includes 13 hours of group mentor coaching, three individual mentor coaching hours, oral and written feedback, materials, and valuable 3D coaching (coach-client-observer) as well as a course certificate after completing the program in its entirety. Wonderful community!

When does the MCP program start?

Here are all the dates, mark them in your calendar immediately. 😊 All times are in ET.

  • Kick Off 28.8 (19:30 – 20:00 EET)
  • Modules 1–6 (19:30–21:45): 12.9.2024, 9.10.2024, 13.11.2024, 3.12.2024, 14.1.2025, 11.2.2025

What to do next?

  • Check the date on your certificate!
  • Ask for additional materials about the program, if needed.
  • Sign up for the program!
    How? Ask for a registration form, fill it out, send it to me by email, and book a Zoom meeting with me. Pay the fee.

Then you are registered and accepted, welcome.

Participants are accepted in the order of registration, so hurry up! Warmly welcome to an exciting development journey, when coaching is at its best!

Enjoy the rest of the summer!

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