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MCP Mentor Coaching Program 2024

Saavuta seuraava taso

Mentor Coaching Program on sinulle, joka olet ammattimainen coach ja työskentelet ICF:n ydintaitojen ja eettisten sääntöjen mukaisesti. Toisessa ydintaidossa, Ilmentää coachingin ajattelutapaa, edellytetään, että täydennämme koulutustamme jatkuvasti. Sen teemme parhaiten ryhmässä, yhdessä samanhenkisten, positiivisesti uteliaiden coach-kollegojen kanssa.

Haluatko syventää coaching-osaamistasi, kasvaa ja kehittyä coachina? Tällöin MCP, eli Mentor Coaching Program on sinulle.

Koulutus alkaa 5.6.2024 (kick off tilaisuus 22.5.2024) 

Palaute osallistujilta:

“Working with Christine as a coach mentor and facilitator was such a positive experience for me. Her ability to be present and provide a caring, safe and supportive group experience helped me to be able to be authentic and share openly and receive feedback with the utmost respect. Her encouragement and calming presence created the space for us to be honest, open, and intimate. It was a game-changer experience as I practiced and learned to be a more effective transformative coach.”

– Katherine Flahive, USA

“Christine was my Mentor Coach under the Breakthrough certification programme. Each session with Christine was encouraging and fruitful. She was always prepared with the evidence-based feedback from the recording submitted; affirmed me of the coaching markers hit; and evoke my thinking for areas that could be explored differently. Her presence and attentiveness to my agenda allowed us to partner well in our conversations to provide an expansive space for creating possibilities. Going through three sessions with Christine also meant that she was able to observe my progress and help me reap lots of learning and insights. It was truly an enriching experience.”

– Irene Chia, Singapore

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