Peer Coaching Circle – Apr 2024

Mentor Coaching for APAC

Asia Pacific Alliance of Coaches

In this month’s session, we had a live coaching demo and live mentorship to hone our coaching skills.
We focused on CC#3 on the PCC marker: Establishes and Maintains the Agreements.
The session was brimming with valuable insights.
Here are some takeaways from the session:

#1. Let the coachee do the driving.
As a coach, we could leave it up to the coachee to decide where they want to go. Coach’s role is to ask what is making it so important for them to reach that destination. What is the importance of reaching that goal? What does it mean for you to reach that goal? What is that you want to have by reaching that goal?

#2. Confirm the measure of success.
It’s critical to confirm what measure works for the coachee. The measure will make the action more motivating and could also make the coachee more accountable to take the action.

#3. Don’t be afraid of coachee’s “I don’t know”
If the coachee doesn’t know, we could see it as an opportunity – what exactly does the coachee not know? What assumptions are they making? We can go step by step, turning every stone to find what is going on in the coachee’s mind. Patience is key. Take your time.

A big thank you to Christine Suvanto MCC (ICF) for her generosity to give us her wonderful mentorship, Puay Eng Peh, PCC Coach Rye Cruz, Nelson Dy, B.S. Chem.Eng., MBM for volunteering to be the coach/coachee, and to all whom participated in our session. Growing together fills my heart with overwhelming sense of joy and connection.

Palaute osallistujilta:

“Thank you Christine Suvanto MCC (ICF)!
After your session, I tried to spend more time confirming the agreement, and felt the small yet clear difference. I will keep learning. Thank you so much Christine 🥰”

– Atsuko Otsuki, 

“Thanks to my mentor coach Christine Suvanto MCC (ICF) for accepting our invitation at peer coaching and your generous mentor coaching at APAC, observing and learning from 2 live demos.
Thanks Rye for your coaching demo and your acceptance to be the country ambassador at Philippines. We look forward to like-minded coaches to step forward to make APAC the coaching voice of Asia Pacific”

– Irene Chia, Singapore

Christine Suvanto MCC (ICF) thanks for the gift of your presence and feedback on the peer coaching session.😀😀😀”

– Rye Cruz, 

Saavuta seuraava taso

Mentor Coaching Program on sinulle, joka olet ammattimainen coach ja työskentelet ICF:n ydintaitojen ja eettisten sääntöjen mukaisesti. Toisessa ydintaidossa, Ilmentää coachingin ajattelutapaa, edellytetään, että täydennämme koulutustamme jatkuvasti. Sen teemme parhaiten ryhmässä, yhdessä samanhenkisten, positiivisesti uteliaiden coach-kollegojen kanssa.

Haluatko syventää coaching-osaamistasi, kasvaa ja kehittyä coachina? Tällöin MCP, eli Mentor Coaching Program on sinulle.

Yhdessä mentorcoaching-ryhmässä sekä kokeneen Mentor coachin, Christinen (MCC), kanssa syvennät ammattimaisen coachingin osaamistasi coachaamalla, tulemalla coachatuksi ja havainnoimalla coachingia, eli coachingia 3D:nä. Yhdessä reflektoimme ja keskustelemme coachingista sekä siitä, mihin meidän coacheina tulisi kiinnittää huomiota ja keskittyä coachingissamme. Tätä emme voi tehdä yksin.

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Mentor Coaching for APAC

Peer Coaching Circle – Apr 2024 Mentor Coaching for APAC Asia Pacific Alliance of Coaches In this month’s session, we had a live coaching demo and live mentorship to hone our coaching skills.We focused on CC#3 on the PCC marker:

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